Happy Valentine Day SMS :
Love SMS

Sun appears in the morning, Moon appears in the evening N at late nights but U always appears in my Heart.
Without Love--days are sad day,moan day,tears day,waste day,thirst day,fright day,shatter day.So be in love everyday..Happy Valentine's day.
U r unique U r caring and U r the Best. And I am d luckiest to have U in my life! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MY SWEET HEART!
U r the one whose thought 4 a sec in my mind makes my every movement pleasure through out the day
Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving.
Love SMS

Sun appears in the morning, Moon appears in the evening N at late nights but U always appears in my Heart.
Without Love--days are sad day,moan day,tears day,waste day,thirst day,fright day,shatter day.So be in love everyday..Happy Valentine's day.
U r unique U r caring and U r the Best. And I am d luckiest to have U in my life! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MY SWEET HEART!
U r the one whose thought 4 a sec in my mind makes my every movement pleasure through out the day
Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving.