Happy Valentine Day SMS :
Love SMS

Don't say we aren't right for each other. The way I see it, we're not right for anybody else. Be My Valentine!
So Many Time I Thought I'd Never Find Sum1 To Love Me d Way I Needed 2 B Loved Then U Came In My Life N Showed Me Wh8 True Love is ..
What i need to live has been given to me by the earth.. Why i need to live has been given to me by you my valentine!! Happy Valentine's Day
Do u know wat r the meanings of VALENTINE Ans:You r V:very E:eminent L:lovely E:energetic N:nice T:tamizdar I:inteligent N:noble E:everlove
February is here, L0ve is in the air, Valentines is near, s0 al u l0ve birds i want u 2 cheer!! Have a very Happy Seas0n 0f L0VE In Air!!
Love SMS

Don't say we aren't right for each other. The way I see it, we're not right for anybody else. Be My Valentine!
So Many Time I Thought I'd Never Find Sum1 To Love Me d Way I Needed 2 B Loved Then U Came In My Life N Showed Me Wh8 True Love is ..
What i need to live has been given to me by the earth.. Why i need to live has been given to me by you my valentine!! Happy Valentine's Day
Do u know wat r the meanings of VALENTINE Ans:You r V:very E:eminent L:lovely E:energetic N:nice T:tamizdar I:inteligent N:noble E:everlove
February is here, L0ve is in the air, Valentines is near, s0 al u l0ve birds i want u 2 cheer!! Have a very Happy Seas0n 0f L0VE In Air!!