Happy Valentine Day SMS :
Love SMS

A genie granted me 3 wishes. I said i won't b havin 3 wishes not even 2. I told him I wud only wish 4 1 thing.. Baby! I wished 4 u!
Tey taught me tat 1 hour equal 60 minutes and tat 1 minute equals 60 seconds, but tey never told me tat 1 second witout u can lost for ever.
If U delete tis SMS thats bcoz u love me.If u save it tats bcoz u desire me. N if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me.So wat u gonna do wit IT?
Petals by petals and leaf by leaf that's how a tiny bud bcms a beautiful rose. word by word and kiss by kiss that's the way true love grows.
You Have Opened The Doors Of My Hearts.. Now It's For You To Walk Through It..:-)
Love SMS

A genie granted me 3 wishes. I said i won't b havin 3 wishes not even 2. I told him I wud only wish 4 1 thing.. Baby! I wished 4 u!
Tey taught me tat 1 hour equal 60 minutes and tat 1 minute equals 60 seconds, but tey never told me tat 1 second witout u can lost for ever.
If U delete tis SMS thats bcoz u love me.If u save it tats bcoz u desire me. N if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me.So wat u gonna do wit IT?
Petals by petals and leaf by leaf that's how a tiny bud bcms a beautiful rose. word by word and kiss by kiss that's the way true love grows.
You Have Opened The Doors Of My Hearts.. Now It's For You To Walk Through It..:-)